healthcare recovery. payment integrity services leader. work comp services.

Chris has over 20 years of experience in payment integrity and healthcare recovery services. Currently, his primary focus is on business development and case identification. Due to his extensive experience in all aspects of the business, he understands the payment integrity cycle from start to finish. Additionally, Chris had a primary role in litigating significant cases for the company early in his career.

He places a high value on the relationships he builds with everyone – from internal staff and clients to the opposing counsel we face. He believes this approach ensures the reputation of the company and of our clients are seen in the highest regard.

Chris’ two decades of experience in healthcare recovery are further supported by his education. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies from JFK University. Additionally, Chris has taken graduate courses in business and legal studies throughout his career.

I identify with both the honoring of our legacy and the encouragement of an entrepreneurial spirit.  Without the risks taken and hard work put in by our mentors, my career, the careers of others, and even the industry as a whole would be vastly difference.  A big part of how I honor their work and sacrifices is by continuing to embody that spirit and giving space and encouragement for our employees to do the same.